Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thing 27

Crazy as I'm sure it sounds I've tried to customize a google page and I've done it twice and what I create doesn't get saved. I know this is user error and i feel like an idiot but what can I say. I'm excited to get this up and running as many of the others in our group use it to get all of their RSS feeds and it makes many of the tools we've learned about easier to use. Jeanne has helped me out so many times with all of these great lessons I hate to ask again but...

Thing 31 EASYBIB

When they say easybib they aren't kidding. My students created web pages from information they found on line and then had to site the sources on their web pages. We wanted to shoe them an easier way to do this than trying to find all the correct spacings and puctuation so we took them to WOW is all I can say! I think it made bibliography making a little less painful for them and it is a tool they will likely use again and again. Here is the link to the webpages.

Thing 18

As I am exploring all things technological I had my students create a "web page" about the setting of a historical novel they were reading in class. They were required to research using BIG 6 and then create a word document that we would then save as an htm file. DON"T DO THIS! We found that when we tried to save the file it moved things around and we couldn't see what was supposed to be there and where it was supposed to be. THe kids did an amazing job and I'll include the link if you'd like to check it out! Next time we will work in and learn.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thing 23

Please don't think that I've forgotten about this initiative, I am using more technology than ever before in my class. My students are currently working with a wiki! I left my comfort zone with help from my media goddess Jeanne and created a wiki as a means for my students to comment on the graphic novels they needed to read for a book project. What an amazing experience. I learn as I go but setting the wiki up was really easy. THe complicated part came when we needed to give 120 students access to the wiki so they could edit it. They are required to have e-mail to do this so we (or should I say Jeanne) created a gmail account and added all 120 students to it, ugh!!! However, the kids are excited to get out there and write about their books and I get to see right away what they've typed. I have created an evaluation for them and I am excited to see what they thought of the experience!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thing 23 Delicious

I love delicious! Aside from the name, it is a great tool. I've had to download the buttons onto several computers that I frequent, it would be helpful to have a laptop that I take with me (I'm working on my husband to make this a reality). However, it is so easy to share information with others when you invite them onto your delicious account. I also love being able to go back and look at resources that I've found helpful in the past and have forgotten about (my short term memory is very short). Being able to tag items in several differents way allows me to put it in every category that would be useful to me. I've also noticed that many of the websites I visit now have their own link to delicious and that is helpful if I'm not on a PC where I've downloaded my own buttons!

Big 6

My students are starting research today and I am encouraging them to try research techniques other than Google et all. They are having huge success with Gale Infotrac and Historical Newspapers. It is very rewarding to see them getting excited about doing research in a new way. We are also exploring all the different ways World Book online can be used. I am shocked at how many students have not used these sources before. I'm learning as much as they are about all these sources have to offer. It's fun to try new things. It's not always easy to leave the comfort zone but it sure pays off when you do!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Thing 15

I am really excited about a new project Jeanne LaMoore and I just started today. My students are going to be reading a historical fiction novel and I thought it would be great to incorporate a research element with the setting of their story. Jeanne and I met and came up with a UbD plan to incorporate the Big 6 research strategy with having the students create web pages linked to our Copper Cougar page. I can't wait to get started!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

New Things

Gone are the days of having to hand tally those book order forms. You can set up book orders so parents can go on-line and send in their own orders. I've been afraid to try and set this up but it was so easy it only took me minutes and I'm good to go. If I can do this anyone can. I really appreciate the ease with which I could do this no if only I wasn't such a chicken I could do more fun experiments like this one! I think I'm becoming braver by the day!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thing~facebook (can't remember)

I got an e-mail from an old friend that said she had joined facebook and had a link to her page. Well, it seems that it was the kick in the pants I needed to get out there and check it out. I even set up my own profile and downloaded a picture! I even did a search for people that I had graduated from highschool with. It was awesome to see some familiar faces that I hadn't seen it many years. I could see how this is a great way to stay connected with friends and reconnect with lost friends. Now I just have to figure out how to write on their walls. It's coming...

Friday, January 18, 2008

Thing 11

THe other day I was looking for a powerpoint lesson I thought was saved in our school folder. I couldn't find it and resolved myself that it was lost forever. So I went out to do a google advanced search and found I could look for specific file types including powerpoints. This may be common knowledge but I think it is pretty cool. What a great way to find resources. I think I need to keep looking, there is so much that I'm missing it's overwhelming. Don't give up on me. I'm working on it...

Thing 12

It seems I spend time each day searching the internet for interesting tidbits to use with my students. OUr school has a link to google right up on the screen so why not use it...Well, in my free time, I saw on t.v. a commercial for all that can do so I thought why not give it a try. I really like it. It offers a variety of websites as well as pictures, and maps, and blogs all on the main ssearch page. I had a more difficult time finding web sites I could use but I haven't compared the websites they give with the ones you would get on google...ah I see an experiment forming. I like the layout and will continue to try it out.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Thing 7

I had such a great experience at united streaming last time I went out in search of something for my math class. I realized that they have articles and worksheets and quizzes. I found a great video that goes along with multiplying and dividing fractions. The teacher's guide has great activities to go along with the video and practice for later. I'm very excited.