Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thing 23 Delicious

I love delicious! Aside from the name, it is a great tool. I've had to download the buttons onto several computers that I frequent, it would be helpful to have a laptop that I take with me (I'm working on my husband to make this a reality). However, it is so easy to share information with others when you invite them onto your delicious account. I also love being able to go back and look at resources that I've found helpful in the past and have forgotten about (my short term memory is very short). Being able to tag items in several differents way allows me to put it in every category that would be useful to me. I've also noticed that many of the websites I visit now have their own link to delicious and that is helpful if I'm not on a PC where I've downloaded my own buttons!


Jeanne LaMoore said...

I like delicious, but I'm not crazy in love with it like you or Mark Kuske. He is the uber-user of the tagging site. I am more of a dabbler. . . Though it would certainly be convenient to have all my bookmarks there, rather than on my home computer, my work computer, etc.

I read an interesting article recently about someone who refuses to use delicious or similar sites because he didn't want to have so much info about his preferences and interests available online. I think the notions we used to have about privacy are probably changing along with the digital revolution.

Karen said...

It might be easier to install the buttons . . . and you might know this anyway . . . but if you have delicious open in one browser, you can click "post" at the top of the page and then copy/paste a URL into a box and add tags like normal.

Also, thought this is more to Jeanne's comment, you can mark particular bookmarks as "private" so that only you can see them. Hopefully we'll have time to address delicious in a remaining session -- glad you like it!

Anonymous said...

I am crazy in love with delicious... I just googled my name and came across this :).